Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kates Playground Best

Firmino (ri)legge i classici...2

Aladdin e Jasmin

Ora vieni con me
ce ne andiamo a Siponto *
principessa è tanto
che mia madre aspetta a te.
Quello che scoprirai
è davvero importante
tu sei l’unica amante
che presento accanto a me.
  Quel mondo è tuo,
con la mia nonna puoi parlar,
qualcuno ti dirà
che non ci sta **
ma è solo che non sente.
Quel mondo è mio,
è sorprendente accanto a te,
se scendo fin laggiù
poi torno su
chissà che bell’accento nasce in me

Everything I
also the most beautiful
I find fake
in the country where I will go.
That world is my
open your eyes and see, who knows how many first
I taste
seems to be a stable
chat with Aunt
then we go away
in room without closing though.
Quel mondo è tuo
educata sarò
mia madre la convincerai
ho studiato non sbaglio
se non mi prendi tu
chi sposo più?
voglio una casa che appartiene a me,
soltanto a me
per me e per te
si può parlar
dai non scherzar
per me e per te

Siponto dell'Apulia was an ancient city and port (corresponding to the current Puglia) and currently has a population of Manfredonia (FG). He is currently a popular seaside resort known as Lido Siponto .
** expression equivalent to a typical southern "incapable of consent."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hack Arceus Pokemon Soul Silver

I'm going down to the place tonight
To see if I can get a taste tonight
A taste of something warm and sweet
That shivers your bones and rises to your heat

I'm going down to the place tonight
The damp and hungry place tonight
Should all the stars shine in the sky
They couldn't outshine your sparkling eyes
But it's so hard to be the one
To touch and tease and to do it all for fun
But it's too much for a young heart to take
Cause hearts are the easiest things you could break

And I talk to the filth and I walk to the door
I'm knee deep in myself
But I want to get more of that stuff
Of that stuff

Some candy talking

And I want
And I want
Some candy talking

Some candy talk

I love the way she's walking
I love the way she's talking
It's just the way she's walking
It's just the way she's talking

And I need
All that stuff
Give me some
Of that stuff
I want your candy. I want your candy
And I need
Give me some
Of your stuff
Give me some
I want your candy. I want your candy.
I want your candy. I want your candy.
I want stuff  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Most Reliable Computer?

Firmino (ri)legge i classici

         Ettore e Andromaca

... Having said this, went away from Ettore ' waving his helmet, then immediately came to his cozy home, in the rooms but did not find Andromache by white arms , but she along with her son and the beautiful all'ancella p EPLO it stood on the tower to cry and despair. Hector as he saw his dear wife in the house, went out the door, and here stopped, turned alle ancelle: "Su, presto, ancelle, ditemi con precisione:   dove è andata fuori di casa Andromaca dalle bianche braccia? Forse a casa di una delle mie sorelle o delle mie cognate, oppure è andata al tempio di Atena, dove pure le altre troiane dalle belle chiome placano la dea terribile con la preghiera?".

La dispensiera fidata gli rispondeva:
"Hector, Hector, or the brain goes without , your woman will not find in any of these places. The temple of Athena is too far to overcome the sadness that grips the hearts , though that of a strong woman. And your noble jealousy makes you see sisters and sisters-in place of a brother and two cousins \u200b\u200bof mixed blood, who already mostraron true value of men seducing more women of your servitude. E I first several times I have sacrificed their male strength, true to my lord and master "

"faithful housekeeper Hush, hush now! And reveals the sacred place where Andromache to find the white arms"
"find a wife and son to the tower of Troy, because he felt that the Trojans are beaten, and it is up to big win tima

When Ettore waving from the helmet, crossed the big city, came to Scee doors, here his precious wife met him on the run, Andromache daughter of Eetione magnanimous, and gave him words of his wife.
"Ettore superfluous by the brain, finally come true the words of my father Eetione that volevami brave wife of Odysseus by or loyal to the State equine Polyphemus eye looking smart . I chose you, of all the strongest and the most honest, while he was crying in my doom. My father killed divine Achilles ,
destroyed the well-populated city of Cilicia, Tebe dalle alte porte. Ed i sette fratelli che vissero nella mia casa tutti in un giorno solo sono scesi nell' Ade: Mammolo dai lineamenti femminili , Dotto il saggio , Brontolo dalle tristi visioni e tutti gli altri. T utti li uccise Achille divino dal piede veloce. Tu, Ettore dal cervello superfluo, dunque per me sei padre e madre adorata ed anche fratello, e sei il mio splendido sposo, e barbiere e rigattiere e animale da compagnia.

But then on, have pity and stay here on the tower, not to make the child an orphan, do not make your wife a widow, and Menelaus Diomede lovers and fearless. "

She in turn said the great Ettore waving from the helmet:" Press certainly to me this woman but I feel terrible shame before the Trojans and Trojan flowing robes cui devo ancora denaro, se come un vile m'imbosco al riparo della guerra. Ne’ cosi mi detta il cuore, perche’ imparai ad essere prode sempre e fra i troiani battendomi in prima fila, e le troiane battendole allo stesso modo per fare onore alla splendida gloria del padre mio e di me stesso. Morto piuttosto mi copra la terra gettatami sopra,   prima ch'io senta il tuo urlo, oppure ti sappia rapita!".

Detto così, Ettore splendido tese le braccia a suo figlio, che non riconobbe il padre e si voltò indietro piangendo sul petto, spaventato dallo splendido elmo. Risero allora di cuore suo padre e la nobile madre; subito l'elmo si tolse dal capo Ettore splendido, e lo depose per terra tutto scintillante. Lasciando scoperte due corna lunghe e massicce, che puntavano al cielo e agli dei.
Poi rivolgendosi alla moglie, la sfioro’ con la mano , articolò la voce e disse: "Mia cara, non affliggerti troppo in cuor tuo. Nessun uomo e’ sfuggito alla sorte, ne’ un vile ne’ un valoroso, ed io non sono diverso dagli altri. Voci maligne hanno dipinto in te Achille come eroe invincibile, solo perche’ son caduti sotto di lui 400 uomini , e altrettante bestie. E allora ricorda o Andromaca dalle bianche braccia che sotto di me son caduti piangendo cinque arcieri , q uattro eunuchi e un paio di cinghiali…di medio peso!

Sii fiduciosa dunque; ci sono eagles in the sky, and 'a favorable sign. Zeus is telling me I'll be back '! "

Monday, September 20, 2010

How To Write A Tv Programme Proposal

Riunione di condominio*

- So ... um .. if we can all start .. Please Lord take place .. This is a moment of silence ... So how do we know the agenda is an important decision for all of us in here. Tomorrow, our guy will be out for the first time only with you the material you find on the shelves contains photos and a bit 'Analysis of characteristics that the Office has drawn so far. It's up to us now do our best to get it right the first appointment, as you know just the most du ..-
- Va bene abbiamo capito. Saltiamo i preamboli. Facciamo una bella cena a casa, musica giusta, piatti freddi e poi tutto il resto..-
- Ma quale resto?! E’ la prima uscita! Vediamo di non farci riconoscere subito! La casa è esclusa, andiamo fuori, all’aria, facciamo due chiacchiere, due risate..-
- Ma lo vuoi capire che non funziona così? Ma porca miseria AMICIZIA tu non devi più proporre niente! Si sta in casa! –
- Se fosse per te cara LUSSURIA a quest’ora ci ritroveremmo soli! Allora sì che restiamo in casa, ma chiusi dentro! –
- Se fosse per me? Fosse stato per me a quest’ora non avremmo afraid of every little thing! And I can not say this, and such plays him badly, and perhaps can not say what he thinks .. enough! -
- Oh beautiful for they shall be your advice! And kiss him, touch it, and do not let me go ... go! -
- Gentlemen, gentlemen, stay calm! We are here to decide together. No need to warm up ... Ogun can say its not shaken ..-
- And if we go bowling? I know a nice place .. -
- No eh! If he now starts to offer even Sfiga I'm leaving! -
- must listen to all LUST ! –
- Ma per carità! Al bowling! Ma chi lo invita sempre a questo?! –
- Bè l’idea del luna park l’altra volta è stata la sua.. –
- E si è visto come è andata a finire! Ci ha mai più richiamato quella? No ditemi! Ci ha chiamato? Perché magari lo ha fatto e io non c’ero! –
- Magari non ha chiamato per timidezza, anche noi non abbiamo più fat.. –
- ILLUSIONE tu non parlare! Siamo andati avanti un mese a scrivere lettere a una che non conoscevamo neanche! –
- Bè però alla fine ha risposto! –
- Certo who responded! He did write the Advocate! -
- Gentlemen, please let us sit and talk one at a time! -
- I do not think we're ready for this release .. -
- Oh God! That's who we were missing ... FEAR . -
- But you see that we can not even decide on the spot! Then the material girl She also seems to be decided, but we ... -
- But whoever is decided for you! I had adopted one! Even that kind of amoeba of the other time ... we did everything we wanted ... but it was too good for you! -
- I did not say that! I said I knew without a doubt handle the silence here ..-
- was stu-pi-da! Do you want to understand? -
- Yes, but with LUST can not speak! I'm so there! A point I should go .. -
- But go! But who wants to OLITUDINE S! Go ahead! -
- Gentlemen .. please! Remain calm ... -

* That the characters within each of us on the eve of the decisions most ...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Colurs Go Best With Walnut

Il desiderio

C aro ... do not know who ,

I never asked for your existence, to be honest, your face, beard, and everything else. It is short, is the first time I write something too, and do not know how stupid I feel. Yet the doctor assured me that it works, and I want to pay for what they listen to him!
No, we are serious, otherwise it makes no sense ..
I did not think it was so difficult you know? I'll have to read thousands of letters like that, and I can not really mine! Then slowly ... .. beginning ..
I feel a little 'tired, despite work commitments I am really a very short time a year, even despite the work is yet to begin to be precise .. miss beautiful full three months. And I'm already tired ... will also be the cold, here there is almost always snow . Beginning to think that I liked a lot, a nice little house in white, my fireplace, and a cup boiling water. I saw my father work in his study, I envied the happiness. Then I went out to run outdoors, for entire blocks. The joy was the only thing that I envied the belly no! Never needed anything, it's coming to me! And farewell morning run! Not that it's in trouble with my body, as the doctor! Here it's cold, a little 'fat keeps you warm. Oh well, still good snow, at first, then all that white began to bother me in the eyes, the physical humor. When we went into town (once a year) tried to explain to my father that all the other colors were not so bad in the end, yet we always come back to this house. Nor why I hate my father and live with him like a relationship of the Oedipus complex! I say to the doctor! You can not have everything all the time ... a lot of children in our country have remained where they were. Although most have remained low of those who I saw in town, but I think it is a consequence of the cold somehow. What I would like
.. yes ... here is what I want ... I believe that the serenity and Health I have enough, somehow. And then I'm happy to work, to do well, you never have to depend on anybody.
So then I go back to the doctor and tells me that it is not, I feel an "existential lack" of something that only he understands to make him happy .. I want someone to Start pouring true, physical, at least one puts the heart at rest!
And then you start again , I start to be desired. Several days before to see the only volta dell’anno. Perché solo io devo fare questo lavoro? Se ne esistesse un altro, adesso potrei essere anche felice và! Ma anche un terzo, un quarto, ci dividiamo il guadagno, a me va benissimo. Così da dividerci anche i clienti, e le loro richieste. Manderei un altro da te, invece di andare sempre io, con quella stupida formula “ vediamo cosa ho qui dentro…ah! un amore nuovo! E brava!
E di quello vecchio? Ma si! Non pensiamoci più, vedrai che tra un po’ si dimentica di tutto e amici come prima. Alla fine lo ha voluto lui, se ha scelto di rimanere lassù, con gli animali e i bimbi che non crescono. Perché non ti veniva a trovare? Perché solo così a few times? Oh ... and now how I explain it? I was out of place and out of place?
Certainly, however, that with you and the snow does not need anything else ...

Now I close and re-read ...

Santa Claus

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Can You Convert Coax To Dvi

La solita Solfa - La sentenza

Visto l’articolo 85 del Codice Penale in base al quale  “ nessuno può essere punito per un fatto pre veduto dalla legge come reato, se, al momento in cui lo ha commesso non era imputabile ”, e visto l’articolo 52 del medesimo Codice, in base al quale “non è punibile chi ha commesso il fatto per esservi stato costretto dalla necessità di difendere un diritto proprio o altrui contro il pericolo attuale di un'offesa ingiusta”, visto altresì l’articolo 1147 of the Civil Code for which is the owner of good faith who has the affect of ignoring others' rights, " the Court declares the founder of this here ... PeterPain innocent for the crimes he has been charged ...


The Court declares the accused acquitted as totalmente incapace di intendere e di volere. Decadono pertanto le richieste di chiusura di PeterPain. Così è deciso. La seduta è tolta.


(agitazione e tafferugli in aula)

Avvocato, avvocato, satisfied with the verdict?
Very! My client has repeatedly demonstrated its inability! Finally a Court acknowledges him! Today is a great day for the judiciary ...
And you? And 'happy? Continue to pursue PeterPain?
No comment ... let me go. Okay so ..
What did you feel at seeing Miss Wendy in the dock to testify against her?
I said no comment! Please let me go ..

Lawyer a bad defeat for the prosecution ..
It 's a ridiculous decision! Will resort to TAR! I do not give up! Never!