Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Who Carries Vitantonio Waffle Maker

Granny Awards

E’ appena terminata la lettura dei vincitori dei Granny Awards 2010 . Nessuna particolare sorpresa di fronte ai 1200 paganti e ai quasi 12 milioni collegati da casa. Anche quest’anno la giuria imparziale ha premiato i tre regali preferiti dalle nonne nel periodo natalizio.

3 Classificato: Dizionario Sinonimi e Contrari
E’ la new entry del 2010. Si e’ imposto con una delicata sicurezza sui big “Ciabatte stile albergo” and "Scarf and Hat", earning the sympathy of the public more 'scholar. On stage, the marketing manager Anna Laura fear (or fear or Anna Laura at Laura Shocking nec) with the President Gianantonio Security . "Thanks to all of heart, for us and 'very important, essential, important, relevant and important to be here today before this audience, this audience, this plethora ... these people ... Thank you again!"

2 Rated: Panties and Pantyhose Cotton
For the fourth consecutive year among the finalists of Granny, Panties and Pantyhose Cotton proves once again a reliable and competitive horse. Inevitable under the tree for 32% of voters, the announcement of the blonde Wilma De Angelis sets off the applause of the entire theater. Fundamental color, pale t-shirt, light gray for the slip, and baggy, so 'as to witness a sense of lack of physical allegory more' profound sense of inadequacy in life.

first place: checkered pajamas fleece
After the second place at last year, this is' a good year for the pajamas of batteries. Voted by some 58% of the public, also earns critical acclaim and direct access to end of Easter. To receive the prize of the founders of the article, Antonio Chess and John Pile , visibly excited. According to Antonio "this' recognition of years of honesty and humility 'to our customers," much more' empathetic Mr. Pile "I have a dream ... of a mountain full of things maghnifiche ..."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Charger Nimh Schematics

Ufficio Reclami

- Complaints Office Christmas Elf are How may I help you?
- Hello, I sent a letter to look for Christmas ..
- The step comes the Office ..
- No wait! I wanted to know if ...
- Arrivals Office Christmas Reindeer are How may I help you?
- Good morning! I was talking with his colleague complaints ..
- review him?
- NO! Wait! I sent a letter a bit 'of days ago ...
- Yes gives me the code please D3?
- Code D3? I have no code D3!
- S the look, and 'the code "Desire" , a word that is repeated at least 3 times in the letter
-'...non so provi con "storia"...
- Storia? Un attimino..."Caro Babbo Natale..bla bla bla..tornare Hitler..bla storia si puo' ripetere..bla bla..con lui era tutta un'altra storia.." e' questa?
- No no!
- "Caro Natale, bla bla...mia moglie mi tradisce..bla bla..sempre la stessa storia..bla bla..finire questa storia.."...questa?
- No guardi, non ci siamo! Provi con "amore"
- "Caro Babbo Natale, bla bla...conoscere Edward di Twilight..bla mio amore..bla bla..lo amo da sempre..bla bla .. become a vampire "...
- No, not even that.
- Can you tell me if it 'a letter cheerful, sad, or paranoia?
- Be '... and I would say that' some 'the story of our whole situation ... I would call it a trip down memory ... is that all those happy people ... and we say that' an attempt to bring the situation ..
- Okay, I pass my colleague 's Paranoia office, wait in line please ...
- Paranoia Office Christmas are in Emo How can I help?
- Salve..dicevo al suo collega della spedizioni...ho mandato una lettera per Natale..
- Mi dice per cortesia il codice P3?
- P3? Cosa sarebbe scusi?
- E' il Pensiero che ha fatto per almeno 3 volte al giorno. Mi dica il destinatario.
- Ah...guardi non credo di averlo pensato tutte queste volte al giorno a dire la verita'...pero' provi con "Wendy"
- Un attimino..."Caro Natale, rieccomi a scriverti, etc etc..con la paura di sempre, etc etc..."
- Si si! E' questa!
- Bene! L'ha pensata per 27 volte al giorno ...
- Ah! Si...e' che continuano a chiedermelo..quindi...di conseguenza...
- Dica pure.
- Ecco si! Niente...volevo sapere se ci sono novita'..
- Per cosa scusi?
- No, cioe'..nel senso...quando si avvera ecco..     
- guardi le passo un collega dell' Ufficio Illusioni , un attimo in linea..
- No, but wait! but because 'I can not speak with ..
- Office Illusions are Eternal How may I help you?
- Eternal Look! Hello! Keep passing gentlemen
- Say what you need as well.
- I just wanted to know the status of my letter! I give the code D3?
- No you do not need thanks.
- Want the P3?
- No, no! I do not need! It 's the first letter I send?
- Be '... no ...
- How many times?
- Mah .. more 'or less than two ...
- Two?
- Anyways' four!
- Four . What he wanted to know?
- Eh, like I said, I would like to know if there are news '... that' ... the desire is fulfilled or not?
- Unfortunately we can not know. We have forwarded your request, we do not know if and when he goes' to a successful conclusion.
- No look, it's not 'possible! Not can 'do something? I know, I complain? Can I speak to the manager?
- Sorry, you can not '. As per government rules we are responsible for proper forwarding of mail, not the desired outcome. There 's privacy policy and the free will , we do not have the means to act on the will' of the recipient
- You agree I got it! But and 'unacceptable ! I am a customer for years! Never a complaint, never a complaint! I think it's time to switch providers!
- a moment to calm down! If you want to can 'choose other desires. We look d ue months luck, or four weeks of health ...
- I do not want anything! If you could not handle a letter four times ... what kind of company you serious?
- I'm sorry, but we can not act on the will 'of another person ...
- A friend of mine who regularly writes to the Epiphany, we can! Will want to 'say that the next time I choose them!
- And if we give a refund of all letters sent to six months? Watch your step, the Office Saving ...
  tu tu tu tu tu tu   

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Duncan Hines Fudge Brownie Mix Ingredients

La valigia di casa

Ho aperto la valigia dei ricordi , ancora, in realtà ogni volta che torno a casa la apro. Aspetto che arrivi il silenzio, chiudo la porta, un bel respiro e giù in apnea in quel rettangolo rigido di ricordi. Tutti quei volti sottosopra, capelli arruffati mischiati d’inchiostro, tutta quella sicurezza, quella faccia seria, la voglia di far vedere a più persone possibili fino a dove can get the chance.
are the first words, having fewer unnecessary things, only love you and wish you well . And all that
future ahead ... huge expanse of pale yellow, with the strange shape of a dog made of wool. You know what I would like to recirculate all of this, remove the stop and start the wheels of the suitcase at the station, just to say " you see that person back in the end it was me? .
Take my head in my hands and eyes off everything else, closing the sides as the horses, only horizon ... and trust. I end on a plane that lands in Canada Montmartre, laughing children and a wine from a feeling of grandi. Senza sforzo sento bruciare gli avambracci di un odore noto, e mi laureo ancora una volta, con un occhio all’obiettivo ed uno a chi mi sta accanto, e altri due su di me.

E c’è ancora chi non crede alla bellezza…