Sunday, October 31, 2010

Music Work Station Soft

Nel caso in cui...

do not worry, you're reading a letter written by you and addressed to you! I've seen in a movie, one that he lost his memory every day, and was forced to relive the next one as before, while the time anyway ran the front. Despite the camouflage with the other more 'witty found. E 'unlikely that you lose your memory, not impossible, but unlikely. Pero 'you never know, and then we might as well think of everything right? Maybe one day you will remember no more' so 'clearly this in mind, going in search of a taste that you know that you do not know but is the name. So here is explained by this letter, which read every day (and memory) will become 'a kind of prayer, good morning, but if something were to disrupt the normal flow of time, will be' your lifeline. Now that I think I do not know how to create the story, 'cause if it really served to remind you, you should skip those few pieces ... more melancholy, and enjoy together (Oh well 'you and me, then you're just!) vacuum so desired. Then I think, but if you do not remember everything and 'Saddest pretend to pull something? Doubtless, the e '.
So, let's start ... In the time of writing are a happy person, or perhaps you are someone who knows what' happiness', and who knows what you speak. You know your a little 'time ago (June 16th to be exact ... the years do not write it' cause if you remember and 'pathetic!), An afternoon in your room, and you just knew what desire was talking about. E 'come with you a bit part in a' strange to us, a wall of plywood filled with made-up stories, laughter ... and above all fears. Have you talked all night, pretending to look at her legs so as not to get in the face. Have you talked about his past and present, asking with his eyes not to use accents on the future that did not rhyme with you. You were ready to let her go, like any great thing that remains between your fingers by accident, that sooner or later you have to shake off. Instead you are and 'sticking to her, found that resin blonde every Monday, Tuesday and Sunday you can count on, watching with big eyes and a strange little creature walking at a brisk pace under the plastic covering of the courtyard. Among the embarrassment and anger to shout to stay for a while '. Have you wrapped him many years of ink, dreams, fantasies try and scenes at night, tickling and stroking, combing with his hands and uncomfortable awakenings.
Did the course of time but want to see you at your door with your hands in your pocket, happy to have you fooled with the shutters closed for more than two hours, while opening a butterfly silver and you're browsing the fifteen pages shorter and beautiful you have ever read. You cried, suddenly and without reason, more for the sake of protecting someone for pain, clutching a body which, while wet could not shake. I do not know how many people remained friends, maybe there will be 'someone ready to tell you how many days you've thrown away in the memory and in hope of an action. If I had not più la memoria, sappi che non c'e' mai stato un giorno inutile e sprecato, nonostante tutto... Si stava bene, tra mille propositi e finali alternativi, tra i passaggi obbligati nei luoghi noti e qualche scenetta leggermente cambiata nelle parole, nell'attesa di una festa particolarmente temuta. Ci sara' chi        si dimostrera' particolarmente felice di questa tua (ipotetica certo!) seconda vita, spingendoti a ringraziare qualcuno di importante...e alto. Ti starai chiedendo " ma se ho davvero conosciuto la felicita', come mai non ho fatto niente per trattenerla ?". Ecco, questa e' la parte che temevo, non so mai a quale versione credere. Vedi, devi sapere che ogni so things are good to someone else, as they are served to you. That is unlike the others leave a memory shorter, so that 'we are now trying to put others elsewhere. Go back to make that good thing would not be the same, have you tried to do the same thing twice? It 's like she would never write in pencil without the tip, you live and leave marks on the sheets of what' which 'was, and going to tread the boards only serves to lose carbon.
wish you do not know what to do, I tell you to change pencil, then raised his head and saw the sketches I've done with this, and smile. It came to my mind a thousand promises and trials of strength, Knight's kingdom without it 'lady ... In case you want to trust you, never lose hope, 'cause you have always done well so far ... or almost!

Oh one last thing, if I really lose my memory ... well '... will not tell you the name of your happiness' ... at least you'll have to find it everywhere.
remember learning to swim!

member Hello!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Can You Use Any Polish With Konad?


Fear (from the greek Pat-violence) is the warning of the danger of any situation, real or fantasy: I p. to swim, Mom p. that squalo! , Ho p. di non averla dimenticata .

1) Nel gergo giovanile paura è usata come esclamazione superlativa e di condivisione all’interno di un gruppo sociale: Hai visto il mio nuovo scooter? Da p.! , Quella tipa fa davvero p.! (nell’Italia meridionale viene spesso sostituito dal termine catena: E'  bello a c. ).

2) In filosofia paura è l’esternazione umana del senso di sopravvivenza. Si avverte paura quando si teme per la propria vita o per la propria condizione fisica corrente. Al contrario si affronta la paura quando si scoprono i veri limiti dell’agire umano.

3) In amore paura è il senso di inadeguatezza che circonda l’innamoramento stesso. Nella maggior parte dei casi lo sfogo naturale è un non-fare, un immobilismo sentimentale molto sofferto dall’amante e totalmente incomprensibile per l’amata.

Sinonimi : timore, terrore, fifa, fobia, matematica, panico, pavidità, sgomento, gloria, codardia .
Contrari : courage, steadfastness, courage , writing.

One of the most popular expressions of fear is represented in the work of Edmund Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac " (1897). It 's the story of the swordsman Cyrano nose, as skilled with the sword as clumsy with his mouth, but that of loving the beautiful Ross relies on his works and his feelings for Christian, a handsome fellow soldier. The obvious symbolism of writing: fear blocks the actions, forcing the Gascon to live in the shadows, never expose themselves in the hope that one day the Bella alone understands that 300 km that perhaps there is a nose is still waiting for his return.
Different representation in the ' Odyssey, "in which the story of brave Ulysses deliver a strong message to readers: the fear is never equal to the will. E 'in it to win countless misadventures and wandering astatine itacheo until his triumphant return home.

Il personaggio di Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone, 1976), un pugile di Philadelphia dalle origini italiane, utilizza la paura come strumento di crescita. Nel corso della pellicola sarà proprio il timore di perdere i frutti di una vita (l’amore, una reputazione, una possibilità) a far evolvere il sempliciotto “ Stallone italiano ”, rendendolo cauto e attento al futuro.
Di altro spessore il personaggio di Rocco in “ Tarzhard ” (Rocco Siffredi, 1998); memorable fear in Jane's eyes at the sight of both lianas.

Countless performers who have chosen fear as a muse of their works. Among the major include:
  1. Do not be afraid (musical dedicated to the figure of Pope John Paul II)
  2. Fear (Ligabue, 2007)
  3. Do not Tell Mama (Gianni Morandi, 1963)
  4. La distanza di un amore (Alex Baroni, raccolta postuma 2007)
  5. E fuori è buio (Tiziano Ferro, 2007)  
Ultimamente paura è diventato sinonimo di Gigi d’Alessio (cantante neomelodico partenopeo).

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Men Brazilian Wax Positions


Race improvisation # 1
Theme: Meeting random
Number of Players: 2
Duration: 4 minutes

Oh excuse me .. hey! Hello! What are you doing here? I did not recognize! Even then ... that is why you are here 300 km from home eh! Provided that it is still your home! I should not have even come to shop here today! And 'that yesterday I had no time, between one thing and another, the gym, I cleaned the house ... um ... then I went to ask for swimming lessons ... It I told them I had already begun, but the' Instructor had a problem, the classes were formed, and still nothing ... will start soon! I already bought the costume and everything! I am determined and I do!
You look good, a bit 'thinner maybe ... eh ... that you are very good but perhaps a bit spoiled you' ... It excuse is that my mom's Talking Now! Nothing is very good and well ... I say the last time we heard ... that was last Christmas then ... No, no, that was to say do not call me ever! So, I was remembering, it was last Christmas! I also sang the songs to your phone! Mom what a shame! Oh well ... it's not that much really changed ... except the things I told you ... now I have replaced the NO with why not? as you told me you already ... the story of the pool for example. But I could make you a thousand examples ... only now ... it's a bit 'hard ... ah, the license for the bike I'm taking you know? That is, tomorrow I can go to driving school ... if not tomorrow week maximum. And who cares if I fall! Do you remember that before I was all scared by the idea? All right! Oh when you fall you up again eh! The fear of flying I almost passed it by a lot ... I try to book a flight to when I get home ... just give me that, unfortunately, the holidays always too late, and there is nothing, apart from the train . Ah but sooner or later I'll make it up with the times ... and then I do not stop anyone! Indeed it is much more comfortable ...
However, I am really pleased to have met you! Never comes into this store ... think a little bit sometimes the case! If I had not cleaned the house yesterday ... then again I do not know why I did yesterday, so today I must do it again! When I fixed things ... that once was worse eh, as you will remember! Now it is much better, are just softer, so it changed, sometimes even I do not recognize myself! Before if I went to the market on Saturday at nine, I could not delay! Always at nine, all Saturday! Not now, thought that two weeks ago I went to the south ... to say ... and I'm not even on Saturdays! So ... to say at times like a radical change ... really ... Actually you know what? I almost do not do more shopping! Do you remember what I was first sighted? No, not now ... but yes! I'm just ... I have no patience to stay here in the checkout line. That is the patience I have, but for other things, this time I can use to organize the next trip ... will choose where to end! And when!
Well ... then I salute you ... it was really good to see you. We could arrange something every now and then, when some steps from here, even with ... coso…cioè se hai un…uomo…se è sempre quello…o vabbè chi hai adesso insomma! Se lo vuoi portare mi fa piacere ecco!
Buona spesa!

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Get Shiny Pokemon Heart Gold

Mi ricordo

R Welcome Return under a desk,
after so
to speak with pieces of newspaper,
knows that in an afternoon in the evening,
and tell them to shut up and sit still,
to squeeze me in space,
glancing mature ink.

steps to aspects of meat and bone
knees I see as white and cold
end up in a pen tip
and this extends
no magic formula
or dust silky
and happy thought.

front of a shadow on the contrary
that sheds light
and warms,
a grotto of wood and cardboard
to swear to Christmas

we still believe.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Does One Pierced Nipple Mean?

Voli pindarici

e’ da un po’ che non ti scrivo. Tutto sommato sta andando bene, come gli altri si aspettano che vada, tu da una parte e io dall’altra, abbracciati a due tronchi diversi. Con i nostri fiori, gli insetti, i buchi nella corteccia. E quella maledetta resina che ha già immobilizzato le scene più cattive…un tuo sorriso ad occhi bassi ed una mano a sfiorare qualcosa di vivo, e un me completamente voltato dalla tua parte, con quell’espressione di chi è pronto a tornare alla posizione di partenza ad un minimo cenno. Così adesso, anche adesso, ci rincorriamo a modo nostro . Anche se per uno strano caso mi ritrovo stone without even have you looked into your eyes, and neighbors without you asked. So those who have come to save you? What about the master of hell, maybe I just wanted to take a walk, so, just to spend a Sunday evening? I did not think there was so much space in this wooden horse , I intended to stay crouched among many, and instead I lie along the length of the leg. And I think about that ... that huge garden maze built to isolate the Giant. Instead of closing it in a cage, is left to lose, or even free not to meet ever . Dreaming of the bird's feathered wings, and then discover that it is easy to integrate them with wax cooled too little against a any sun. It only takes one at random to get me back down, a pale, covered, a simple puff of light just mentioned, what is enough to sight the whale you were looking for, immense white curve that you want to disappear with a mere hook. Inadequate against even very small fairies and invisible happy thoughts. Force me to be a big man, a talking lion and trembling. A mill with three arms that does not do anything to win an old knight. A queen with a good dress funny only to shout "Off with her head . A platoon of a hundred men covered by the night, beaten by a bully and just out of his nose. And this oak. With a body so great as to accommodate dozens of people, stories, laughter, but so full of leaves from the cold only to come closer. One by one they go all away, but instead of stripping the pink and greet the return of the prince, the beast remains. And a skinny stem .

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Whether Jeevan Saral Better Than Ppf

E vissero tutti...

- Uè carissimo! Finalmente ci si vede! Chi non muore eh…come stai?
- Ciao caro! Tutto bene grazie, si tira avanti.
- Sempre elegantissimo come al solito…immancabile rosa rossa all’occhiello...e Belle come sta? E’ da un po’ che non la vedo
- Eh non è un bel periodo…stiamo divorziando
- No! Ma davvero? Oddio mi dispiace…
- Eh che vuoi fare…ognuno ha i suoi guai caro Eric
- Bè ma che peccato! Eravate proprio una bella coppia, lo dicevamo sempre con Ariel
- Eh ma tutto passa! Le cose non andavano più come prima. Anche se nessuno mi toglie dalla testa che il vero problema è mio suocero
- Mhm…carattere particolare quello!
- Eh sanno fare tutti i signori a casa degli altri! Ma io dico ci dimentichiamo che fino a ieri per andare avanti dovevi vendere quattro invenzioni inutili al mercato? E ora? Gli abbiamo allargato la stanza, ha voluto la cameriera personale, per di più la casa vecchia non la vuole fittare…
- Quando si mettono in mezzo i suoceri…
- Vabbè tu proprio non puoi dire niente! Tuo suocero è sempre al mare!
- No per carità devo dire che Tritone è molto educato in questo. Però che vuoi, è sempre il padre, non ha il telefono, quindi ogni tanto devo andare con Ariel in fondo al mar a trovarlo, la domenica a pranzo siamo da lui quasi sempre. Un po’ scomodo, anche perché non mangia pesce, ovviamente, e quindi la carne diventa sempre molla e bagnata. E a me fa schifo! Comunque non ci lamentiamo dai…
- Ma si! Tritone in fondo è una brava persona, poi sempre disponibile eh! Anche con me per esempio, quando cercavamo un lavoro per Belle, subito le ha trovato quel posto da direttrice the choir. Ok, then you put in the middle of his father and has not done anything
- Oh you want to do! Do you know who I met last night?
- Who?
- Gaston!
- No really? And how are you? E 'from a life that I do not see, in short, the accident here ...
- All right. Does the bouncer at ' Acunamatata, the local Timon, in the center. He closed the gym he had, too many costs explained to me, then I did not understand well ...
- Give me pleasure, we should organize something together. And Ariel instead?
- all right all right. The know true that she was being treated by the specialist ...
- Yes, yes, you had mentioned it to me. How to proceed?
- Mah! I can not tell if it is a hormonal disorder or genetic. The fact is that you are still unable to solve this problem of the smell of fish. She also suffers from poor ... let's see if anything changes with this other treatment ...
- You went to that Indian doctor I told you?
- It is, indeed thank you! I called him just a month ago, I said that I knew you, that we are both friends of the son, and he must say I was immediately made an appointment
- It 's a good person. John was lucky about suoceri! Certo anche lui è strano eh!
- Bè un bel po’ anche! Vabbè che quelli sono indiani, quindi hanno tutti un’altra cultura. Ti ricordi anche la figlia quando si è trasferita…sempre con questa peluria addosso, per niente curata. Ariel ogni tanto gliela buttava lì “ma Pocahontas perché non proviamo un taglio diverso?” ma lei niente!
- Eh si mi ricordo! C’era Aladdin che mi diceva sempre “oh, io questa la presento a Abù !”
- Ahahahah! Che scemo quell’altro!
- Mica tanto! Si è bello che sistemato! Ora fa il signore a casa di Jasmine . It was put into a company with which import and export of Persian carpets ...
- As time goes on eh?
- Yeah ...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Camel Toe Volleyball Brazil

Il negozio dei desideri

- Hello
- Oh good morning to you! How may I help you?
- To be honest, I was browsing around ..
- Take , go ahead! Over here we have the classics, in the window at the bottom instead of the news
- A dear friend of mine bought here and advised me to come to reality ...
- Oh well! I am molto piacere!
- Si si, si è trovato bene…e niente…insomma…visto che siamo molto piacciono un po’ le stesse cose…quindi ho deciso di fare un giro anch'io ecco!
- Ha fatto benissimo! Cosa ha comprato il suo amico?
- Se non ricordo male ha preso il pacchetto Glory , quello con tre anni inclusi, o qualcosa del genere
- Ah ho capito, tre anni inclusi e un trasferimento…
- Si quello..lo ha preso con la Carta Verità , anche se non ho capito bene come funziona..
- Molto semplice, è una Carta che le permette di ricevere in omaggio una Verità alla fine dei tre anni. Può scegliere tra Individuo o Sensazione. Con Individuo le viene detto il nome del nuovo  destinatario del pacchetto..
- Che ovviamente non sono più io..
- Esattamente. In pratica alla fine del periodo, in questo caso tre anni, le dicono che il Signor X per esempio è il nuovo proprietario del pacchetto Glory con tutte le solite caratteristiche. Noi  usually recommend it to people that we see much linked to the choice of the product, so as to enable them to take it back in a way.
- Ah .. I understood and with feeling ...
- Feeling allows you to get the details of the period she spent with the same product, but without any information on the future say.
- Hmm ... well. And of these there are other packages Glory?
- Look, I just finished two days ago! A gentleman of Rome has taken away the last, would be ordered if you want.
- Otherwise, the other?
- Well, we have the package Camila very nice. In practice, it has included two months, a second chance and a free ticket to a play in a city of art.
- Hmm .. to tell the truth I tried something more challenging, "I do not know how to say. Two months is a bit '... Pochini
- Certo capisco, ma consideri che essendo un pacchetto concentrato ha da subito tutte le sensazioni dei pacchetti più longevi. Ed in più se lo attiva entro il mese corrente la Carta Verità è inclusa nel prezzo!
- Ovviamente è proprio impossibile estendere la durata del pacchetto giusto?
- Mah… teoria dovrei dirle si! E’ anche vero che ci sono una serie di opzioni che può legare al pacchetto in modo da allungare il periodo di permanenza. Il problema è che non sono definibili a priori.
- Non ho capito mi scusi..
- Mi spiego meglio. Una delle opzioni previste dal Camìla è la Paura. Ora , se lei invece di utilizzare subito questa opzione magari decidesse di farne a meno, può succedere che riesca ad allungare il periodo. Ovviamente non è matematico, questo è il punto.
- Ah va bene, ho capito…In quali versioni sarebbe disponibile il Camìla?
- Mi faccia controllare…allora…lo abbiamo in rosso, castano clear and black.
- What do you recommend?
- Well ... all three packages are excellent! I personally take it black. And 'what they are asking all customers. Very nice, look at what effect that is under the light ...
- Yes, yes, I must say that is great otherwise .. Glory to order how long does it take?
- Oh look, we can not know for sure. We can do the order, then the supplier should deliver the material. I would tell her to go on another choice ..
- Mhm…certo…no perché ero orientato sul Glory sa, quindi non saprei adesso….
- Capisco capisco, bè senza dubbio è uno dei pacchetti più venduti. Però consideri anche che il Camìla è un pacchetto nuovo, molto bello. Avrebbe modo di provare una cosa diversa ecco..
- No no ha ragione…assolutamente…va bene, la ringrazio tantissimo della disponibilità, ci faccio una pensata e al massimo ritorno.
- Come desidera! Buona serata
- Arrivederci grazie!