Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mechanic License,ontario

Merry Christmas!

Also for this year 's best wishes for a Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 8, 2008

How To Make Football Helmet Costume

Continue the development of Chrome

A new update Chrome, now in As you can read here
was corrected a serious security flaw.
Such updates are always welcome, but I'd like to see an update of the Code or webkit V8

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Do Syphilis Chancres Pop

Leaving FastWeb

About a year ago I was contacted by the operators of Fastweb for a promotion, saying I had the fiber optic . He was also a man who confirmed me in my house, despite my doubts, I would be connected to 10 Mb, and the ability to save my already small compared to the Telecom bill.
Well now I have decided to abandon this operator for several reasons: 1
. I'm not going to pay the salary to a known tax evader English
2. Needless to say, the promise of connecting to the fiber, it has proven a lie
3. the end of the day the bill was higher than with Telecom
4. their VoIP system has a silent period before hearing the 'other phone ringing, something I had been told initially according to them for nine seconds, in fact between 12 and 30, returning a sense of insecurity (every time my mother yelling at me) and also making me go from rude to those who respond quickly.
5. their absurd system NAT makes it difficult to use as sitemi Rapidshare edalcuni ftp and forums, as what one does with your same address is reflected on you (eg: being blacklisted).

I then decided to change and I chose copagnia Infostrada: Mike Fiorello and give me more satisfaction?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Electric Box Walkthrough Level 19

Updated Google Chrome Release

Maybe I'm late, but ....
I just upgraded Chrome (between the 'more is my new favorite browser) to version
Non so bene quali cambiamenti ci siano stati, finora non ho mai avuto problemi e non sto notando novità....

Aggiornamento: qui la lista dei cambiamenti (in inglese)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Engine Light On A Gmc Yukon

E sono una gran delusione per gli sviluppatori, come si legge dalle reazioni del forum .

in effetti di quanto promesso _due_ anni fa é stato mantenuto ben poco, le note salienti parlano di Vertex Array e buffer a 32 bit in virgola mobile.
infine viene promessa una futura interoperabilità con OpenCL .
Come ho già scritto la delusione tra gli sviluppatori è grande, i punti che più hanno fatto scalpore sono la mancanza di un sistema real-time moderno and effective, the 'have kept the old funziuni as deprecated rather than removing it and a real shading language, and the cause is attributed to the lack of guidance in' ARB and the fact of having given too much weight to the demands of svilupatri CAD.
certainly in comparison with DirectX comes out and defeated the sole function seems to relegate OpenGL cross-platform. A proof of
'appeal could be expected from version 3.1 in 6 months.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Diagram Of A Viking Ship

Alice OpenGL 3.0 specification and the Wii: epilogue.

After a few days off, while Nico was equipped with the 'surround sound, I wanted to try the connection again.
And I got the 'idea of \u200b\u200btrying to use PPPoE instead of PPPoA, who had always worked ....
After resetting the router, I entered the nuove impostazioni e....

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Veet Wax Strips Armpit

An interesting article on laguna seca. Alice

Questo articolo di offre finalmente una visiona chiara ed obiettiva del fattaccio di laguna.
Spero vivamente che stoner renda pan per focaccia all' evasore.


"poteva scegliere tra la guerra e l' infamia: ha scelto l' infamia, quindi avrà la guerra"

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Men's Girdle Houston Tx

Problems with part two: not only the 'foreign.

Come temevo anche ieri sera Alice ha presentato gli stessi problemi: alcuni siti vengono caricati, altri no.
Inizialmente pensavo che fossero quelli all' estero, ma con mio sommo orrore (e raccapriccio, of course) anche lo stesso sito di alice é vittima di questo fenomeno.
It is not a DNS issue, because the ' address is resolved and started on redirection, but hangs there and can not more data.
One interesting clue comes from the site OneManga , manages to load a part, but not the css nor (especially) the images of the scans, so the ads.
I had never seen anything like that, that have messed with the middle?
But most will never connect the Wii to the Internet?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wart Removal And Time Of Recovery

disservice to Alice last night and today?

Yesterday I was with my friend Nico to play with the Wii and we came up with the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bconnecting to the internet.
Unfortunately, although we had prepared una connessione al volo nella sua nuova casa, scroccando la linea telefonica ai suoi genitori e trasformando l' iBook G4 (niente robaccia intel...) in una base wi-fi, la connessione con non andava a buon fine.
Dopo varie peripezie, mi sono accorto che solo alcuni siti erano accessibili: quelli in italia, gli altri risultavano irraggiungibili.
Inizialmente ho pensato che fosse un problema di DNS, ma anche usando i server di
OpenDNS (primario secondario la situazione non era cambiata, anzi persino usando diretamente gli IP non si otteneva niente.
Ho fatto alcune ricerche,e pare che ogni tanto, con Alice , accada questo genere di disservizio, although no one has ever explained why: I suspect that some CL we have had a hand ...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

License Rescue Columbus Ohio

YDL Powerstation, the new PowerMac G5 (quad)

Terrasoft Solutions, a manufacturer of YelloDog Linux for PowerPC (also for PlayStation 3) has pulled out of the hat a Workstation ppc, based on IBM project.
specifications are interesting, 2 cpu ppc 970MP , up to 32 GB of ram, 3-port PCIe and 2 PCI-X 2-port gigabit ethernet, SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) raid and ide.
Note the 'use of' openfirmare slof IBM, which allows the 'use of video cards for x86.
The piece is interesting and more lower than one might find for used G5 Quad: $ 1895 with Linux pre-installed (and DVDs).
I hope this machine is considered for the port of OpenSolaris on PPC ....

Thursday, June 5, 2008

How Do I Get Rid Of Yellow White Sheets

DVD 2.0, the new fetish of anti

long time ago, the mills were white and the 'introduction of high-definition television war broke out for the successor to the DVD, because this works only in standard definition (PAL, SECAM or NTSC).
the two challengers were the Blu Ray, backed by Sony, Pioneer, Philips, Matsushita and many others and the ' HD DVD, backed by Toshiba and Microsoft (and the DVD Forum ...).
The technical differences were not abysmal, but hung on the side of BD, especially with regard to the space available for single layer and the bandwidth from the opposite side to produce an HD DVD, especially initially was much cheaper, as it was based on developments of the classic DVD .. Moreover, while the audio and video codecs were the same, the technologies for the interactive section ernment different: SUN Java for Blu Ray, MS HDi for HD DVD.
So in addition to divide consumer electronics companies, this battle also divided the studios, and initially there was Sony, Disney, Fox from the BD, Warner and Paramount neutral and universal sided with HD DVD exclusively.
Initially the situation was in favor of Toshiba's format, which provided readers cheapest and was also released well in advance, but after the 'introduction of the PlayStation 3, the situation is reversed and the sales of BD stood at about twice that of HD DVD.
In September 2007, Paramount, in exchange for economic advantages, he joined Universal as to exclusivity, but after a few weeks this move proved fruitless, as opposed to that of Warner, which in January 2008, the day before the CES announcement his move to Blu Ray: This move was fatal to the opponents in a few weeks declared defeat.
But companies were not alone in Scanno: as often happens, the enthusiastic users of new technologies, by virtue of the emotional part tied to 'buy, those who like to be called early adopters, they began lunghe, estenuanti, divertenti e stupide disfide sui vari forum.
Particolarmente scatenati erano i fan (nel senso etimologico, purtroppo) dell' HD DVD: oltre a negare ad oltranza l' evidenza delle vendite, con argomentazioni veramente bizzarre, cioè per le vendite hardware negavano il fatto che la play3 fosse un lettore BD, poi, quando tiravano fuori le vendite per singolo lettore, la rimettevano nel conto, dimostrando così che gli HD DVD venduti erano di più! inoltre contro ogni evidenza dichiaravano che la qualità video su HD DVD fosse migliore, anche nelle edizioni dello stesso film (ad esempio di Warner e Paramount).
Proprio quando tutto sembrava dimenticato Toshiba e Microsoft hanno avuto una brillante idea: perché non riciclare l' HDi sui DVD normali? e perché non produrre un lettore apposito con uno Spurs Engine (un Cell ridotto) e riscalarli a 960punti? (un momento: 960? ma che idiozia é? così il mio tv dovrà riscalarli a 1080....)
Ed ecco che gli anti BD esultano a questa nuova trovata, nonostante ogni nuova evidenza (ancora), sostenendo che la qualità video sarà la stessa (ma schifavano mpeg2 sui BD ritenendolo inguardabile e d incomprabile)... e le tracce audio lossles? suppongo che non siamo mai stat davvero importanti, visto lo scarso uso su HD DVD...
Ma soprattutto quello che mi chiedo io é: quale major si metterà a produrre questa roba? spendere di più per nulla? la Sony? Disney? FOX? Warner? Universal (non ha già dato abbastanza?)?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Knot In Leg After Heart Cath

Blu Ray Vista, the CLI (command prompt or powershell) and drag and drop

Un piccolo aiuto che chiedo ai miei 12 lettori: sarò scemo ma su Windows Vista non riesco a trascinare elementi sul prompt (o sulla powershell che ho appena installato) per ricavarne il percorso, cosa che ho fatto più di una volta su XP: é possibile farlo? se sì, come?
un grazie in anticipo a chi mi aiuterà.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Can Me And My Husband Take Shower


OpenID é una parola che recentemente compare molto spesso in internet, ma cosa é?
OpenID é un sistema per l' univocità dell' identità digitale, ma che significa davvero?
Innanzitutto capiamo cosa si intende per Identità Digital is a set of information that allow you to differentiate yourself from others, such as the name (nickname) that you choose to access a discussion forum. The profile we choose to write about Blogger is a 'digital identity, in fact we can use to leave comments on our behalf, but we can also choose to be anonymous, to write any name you like (but risking to see us or to usurp the name confusion with the same name) and finally to authenticate with OpenID.
So in the first instance we say that OpenID is a method to register on a site without registering. The concept is to use Internet addresses (such as blog on blogspot) as identifiers: for know which sites can provide this service, click qu i, but you can also use your site to learn how to read here. So
OpenID identity allows us to recognize us without having to repeat several times the registration process or store (and lose!) Password .... 's other hand it is possible to have multiple identities, for example one for work and one for private use ...
To find out which sites you can use OpenID there are these two sites, myOpenID Site Directory and The OpenID Directory , I beg to report the blog as a serial , especially for the great initiative to publish the Earl of Montecriso.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Remington 870mcs Civil Version

The Vatican website in Latin.

I 've just read about Downloadblog , and propose again willingly the site of the Holy See counts among the different languages \u200b\u200bwhich is located in Latin.
may seem a strange thing, but many documents are in this language that may be useful as an official language of the church, as the Latin Mass is for all the national churches.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Men Waxing Pittsburgh

Apple bought PASEMI

For those who still remember him, once Apple used the PowerPC processors in its computers (or rather was one of the creators of this architecture together with IBM and Motorola, the famous consortium AIM), then saw the success of iPod (and the consequent definition of corporate change by Apple Computer to Apple Inc.) and issues of production of PPC processors from Motorola / Freescale and IBM, it was decided to switch to Intel and the x86 architecture (and the progressive deterioration of its products in general ...). Initially, however, had been approached PASEMI , developer of the technology PWRefficent , So 'is the famous and very sudden change of the bank had angered the president of this company had already started investment in the production.
Strangely today I learn that Apple has bought this small, but interesting, producer: I think that with a view to a return to origins seems to me absurd, much more likely to want to exploit the energy-saving technology to adapt it to the iPod and iPhone processors based on ARM .
In any case it's an interesting piece of news that shows how the fate knows how to be ironic.

reading this article seems that Apple wants to stop production of the PowerPC, but that this will anger the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), which had commissioned 70,000 chips in more than 10 defense systems for a total of $ 100 million, an impressive figure as an internal source that says: I've never seen Such
fast adoption of a product in the mil / aero world. Typically users in this area take a wait-and-see approach on new products, but that didn't happen this time.

Non ho mai visto un' adozione così rapida di un prodotto nel mondo militare e dell' aeronautica. Usualmente viene usato un approccio "aspettiamo e vediamo come va", ma non é successo questa volta.

Ufficialmente Apple ha ammesso l' acquisto ma non ha dichiarato le sue intenzioni.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Church Anniversary Themes Samples

digital signature certificate with Thawte

Se avete una casella di posta elettronica che vi permette di usare il protocollo SSL , come ad esempio GMail e Yahoo! mail, sarete certamente interessati ad avere un certificato per firmare digitalmente le vostre missive in modo che chi le riceve abbia la garanzia che sono state spedita davvero da voi e non sia solo un simpatico briccone che finge e rispondendovi (ma anche scrivendo una nuova mail) può cifrare il messaggio in modo da aumentare la sicurezza, perché di fatto potrete leggerlo solo voi.
Oltre a farvelo da soli, ci sono vari siti che offrono questo servizio, sia gratis che a pagamento, tra questi ho trovato interessante Thawte .
Thawte é un' autorità di certificazione, cioè garantisce che il certificato che vi ha rilasciato corrisponda ai dati che dichiara.
Per ottenere il certificato recatevi a questa pagina e cliccate su "Click here to get your Personal E-mail Certificate now!" e seguite le istruzioni, tenedo a portata di mano il vostro codice fiscale, da inserire come "codice nazionale".
Completata l' iscrizione, dalla pagina principale selezionate "certificato e-mail personale" dal menu "accesso rapido"; successivamente la schermata sarà piuttosto chiara basta usare "request certificate", scegliendo explorer se si usa ie, netscape negli altri casi.
Fate attenzione che questo certificato non é nominativo (che costerebbe diversi soldini), ma é possibile farlo diventare con un simpatico sistema a punti: contattando dei "notai" di persona ad esempio ai convegni e fornendo fotocopia di un documento, potete ottenere da 5 a 35 punti, con 50 il certificato diventa nominativo, con 100 diventate notai a vostra volta.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Best Non Comedogenic Foundation

MorphOS on Mac Mini G4

MorphOS, the operating system clone Amiga OS, é stato fatto funzionare su un Mac Mini G4, come dimostra questo video .
La precedenza dello sviluppo va a EFIKA e Pegasos, ma anche i vecchi Mac PowerPC sono inclusi tra le piattaforme supportate.
Per i nostalgici e i curiosi, una buona notizia.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Westie Puppies Northern Ireland

Sun bought MySQL AB

SUN ha comprato per un miliardo di dollari MySQL AB, produttrice del famoso database relazionale.
Le implicazioni sono molto importanti, la struttura societaria resterà immutata, ma certamente lo sviluppo su solaris tornerà centrale.
In particolare ci si aspetta che MySQL si integri con maggior efficacia con ZFS , il rivoluzionario fiolesystem di SUN.
Sul fronte dei linguaggi suppoortati, Java non avrà un trattamento di Favore rispetto agli altri, anche se auspico che migliorino il supporto JDBC per mysqldumnp.