Thursday, June 5, 2008

How Do I Get Rid Of Yellow White Sheets

DVD 2.0, the new fetish of anti

long time ago, the mills were white and the 'introduction of high-definition television war broke out for the successor to the DVD, because this works only in standard definition (PAL, SECAM or NTSC).
the two challengers were the Blu Ray, backed by Sony, Pioneer, Philips, Matsushita and many others and the ' HD DVD, backed by Toshiba and Microsoft (and the DVD Forum ...).
The technical differences were not abysmal, but hung on the side of BD, especially with regard to the space available for single layer and the bandwidth from the opposite side to produce an HD DVD, especially initially was much cheaper, as it was based on developments of the classic DVD .. Moreover, while the audio and video codecs were the same, the technologies for the interactive section ernment different: SUN Java for Blu Ray, MS HDi for HD DVD.
So in addition to divide consumer electronics companies, this battle also divided the studios, and initially there was Sony, Disney, Fox from the BD, Warner and Paramount neutral and universal sided with HD DVD exclusively.
Initially the situation was in favor of Toshiba's format, which provided readers cheapest and was also released well in advance, but after the 'introduction of the PlayStation 3, the situation is reversed and the sales of BD stood at about twice that of HD DVD.
In September 2007, Paramount, in exchange for economic advantages, he joined Universal as to exclusivity, but after a few weeks this move proved fruitless, as opposed to that of Warner, which in January 2008, the day before the CES announcement his move to Blu Ray: This move was fatal to the opponents in a few weeks declared defeat.
But companies were not alone in Scanno: as often happens, the enthusiastic users of new technologies, by virtue of the emotional part tied to 'buy, those who like to be called early adopters, they began lunghe, estenuanti, divertenti e stupide disfide sui vari forum.
Particolarmente scatenati erano i fan (nel senso etimologico, purtroppo) dell' HD DVD: oltre a negare ad oltranza l' evidenza delle vendite, con argomentazioni veramente bizzarre, cioè per le vendite hardware negavano il fatto che la play3 fosse un lettore BD, poi, quando tiravano fuori le vendite per singolo lettore, la rimettevano nel conto, dimostrando così che gli HD DVD venduti erano di più! inoltre contro ogni evidenza dichiaravano che la qualità video su HD DVD fosse migliore, anche nelle edizioni dello stesso film (ad esempio di Warner e Paramount).
Proprio quando tutto sembrava dimenticato Toshiba e Microsoft hanno avuto una brillante idea: perché non riciclare l' HDi sui DVD normali? e perché non produrre un lettore apposito con uno Spurs Engine (un Cell ridotto) e riscalarli a 960punti? (un momento: 960? ma che idiozia é? così il mio tv dovrà riscalarli a 1080....)
Ed ecco che gli anti BD esultano a questa nuova trovata, nonostante ogni nuova evidenza (ancora), sostenendo che la qualità video sarà la stessa (ma schifavano mpeg2 sui BD ritenendolo inguardabile e d incomprabile)... e le tracce audio lossles? suppongo che non siamo mai stat davvero importanti, visto lo scarso uso su HD DVD...
Ma soprattutto quello che mi chiedo io é: quale major si metterà a produrre questa roba? spendere di più per nulla? la Sony? Disney? FOX? Warner? Universal (non ha già dato abbastanza?)?


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