Monday, May 19, 2008

Can Me And My Husband Take Shower


OpenID é una parola che recentemente compare molto spesso in internet, ma cosa é?
OpenID é un sistema per l' univocità dell' identità digitale, ma che significa davvero?
Innanzitutto capiamo cosa si intende per Identità Digital is a set of information that allow you to differentiate yourself from others, such as the name (nickname) that you choose to access a discussion forum. The profile we choose to write about Blogger is a 'digital identity, in fact we can use to leave comments on our behalf, but we can also choose to be anonymous, to write any name you like (but risking to see us or to usurp the name confusion with the same name) and finally to authenticate with OpenID.
So in the first instance we say that OpenID is a method to register on a site without registering. The concept is to use Internet addresses (such as blog on blogspot) as identifiers: for know which sites can provide this service, click qu i, but you can also use your site to learn how to read here. So
OpenID identity allows us to recognize us without having to repeat several times the registration process or store (and lose!) Password .... 's other hand it is possible to have multiple identities, for example one for work and one for private use ...
To find out which sites you can use OpenID there are these two sites, myOpenID Site Directory and The OpenID Directory , I beg to report the blog as a serial , especially for the great initiative to publish the Earl of Montecriso.


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